Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Gnatcatcher and a Deer: May 2020

For the first 90 minutes or so of my walk in a woods west of Toronto, there was very little wildlife. So I concentrated on botany:

Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)
Flowering Almond
Flowering Almond
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
Wood Anemone (Anemone quinquefolia)
Marsh-marigold (Caltha palustris)
Silver Maple (Acer sachharinum)
White Trillium (Trillium garndiflorum)
Violets (Viola)
Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum)

Images from the woods:

Pileated Woodpecker drilling
Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Chipmunk

As I rounded a bend, I discovered this lovely creature:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male)

followed by one of the tiniest of birds:

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Other birds:

Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird (female)
Northern Cardinal (male)
Red-winged Blackbird (female)
Common Grackle
Hairy Woodpecker (female)

Deer are getting bolder every year. One was in my backyard recently for 45 minutes.

I was thrilled today to have this beauty come to within about 10 metres of me.

White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer

White-tailed deer are herbivores. Their stomachs allow them to digest a varied diet, including leaves, twigs, fruits and nuts, grass, corn, alfalfa, and even lichens and other fungi.

White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer

I heard from a Québec reader that this deer is “gravide” or “about to give birth”.

White-tailed Deer


May is a green as no other,
May is much sun through small leaves,
May is soft earth,
And apple-blossoms,
And windows open to a South wind.      – Amy Lowell (1874–1925)

Miles Hearn

7 thoughts on “Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Gnatcatcher and a Deer: May 2020

  1. Lisa Volkov

    What a wonderful face with which to greet the day! Such outstanding pictures, generally! Keep this up, Miles, and you may have your own photo exhibit someday. Thank you so much!

  2. Pina

    Nature is so beautiful.
    All the pictures are nice.
    That deer quite enjoyed being photographed. I especially liked the picture of the foliage in his mouth.
    Thank you.

  3. Patricia Lund

    The Rose Breasted Grosbeak may be beautiful but he is also bold and bullying my Baltimore Orioles. We hung up a special Oriole feeder with jam and sugar water and it has attracted the Grosbeak and he is obviously the local thug in the bird community. He loves the jam as well while his mate is a glutton with the suet cake. We don’t mind and love watching them all.
    Thank you Miles for the post.
    Patricia Lund

    1. Rosemarie Fischer

      such gorgeous pictures….just wonderful….just want to reach out and pet that deer….thank you Miles, your posts sure make it a bit easier to deal with our isolated lives…..hope it gets better soon.
      cheers……Rosemarie Fischer


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