Images of Ouimet Canyon, June 2018

We are fortunate that our Wolf Lake 2 Breeding Bird Survey ends on the road to Ouimet Canyon.

If the weather is good, we hike the kilometer long trail which leads to the canyon.

There are always some interesting wildflowers on the way.

Twinflower (Linnaea borealis)

Wild Rose (Rosa acicularis)


The canyon is 150 meters wide, 100 meters deep and 2 kilometers long.

The canyon is named after Joseph-Aldric Ouimet who was Canadian Minister of Public Works from 1892 – 1896.

The views are spectacular.

Members of the Group of Seven are known to have taken a boxcar loaded with supplies, had the train let them off south of here and walk to the canyon to paint.

We were not entirely alone during our walk.

Cedar Waxwing

Miles Hearn



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