Pearl Crescent Butterfly

While out for a walk on a sunny July morning I was fortunate in spotting an orange butterfly and taking many photos of it.

Here is some information about the Pearl Crescent Butterfly.

These butterflies are quite small (25 – 38 mm)

This butterfly was taking nectar from a Black-eyed Susan.

The eggs are laid in clusters on the leaves of asters.

The caterpillars eat the aster leaves.


There are usually several broods between April and October

Pearl Crescents are found in open spaces, moist meadows, fields, roadsides and streamsides.

They are found from the Yukon and Newfoundland south to Mexico and from the west coast to the east.

Pearl Crescents are often described as “highly pugnacious”.

They take nectar from composite flowers such as asters, fleabanes, thistles and Black-eyed Susans.

Miles Hearn

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