Hooded Crow

Hooded Crow

The Hooded Crow is found in Northern, Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as in parts of the Middle east. In various countries it is known as Scotch crow, Danish crow, grey crow or mist crow.

Hooded Crow

it is an ashy grey bird with black head, throat, wings, tail, and thigh feathers, as well as a black bill, eyes, and feet.

Hooded Crow

Like other members of the crow family, Hooded Crows are omnivorous feeders.

Hooded Crow

Diet includes includes carrion, invertebrates, grain, eggs, and young birds.

Hooded Crow 

In coastal areas, will take crabs and molluscs, which may be dropped from a height to crack the hard shell.

Hooded Crow

Habitat includes open woodland, moors, agricultural land where there are groups of trees, town parks and shores where there are woodlands.

Hooded Crow

They were persecuted for years as a perceived threat to lambs and sheep.

Hooded Crow

Hooded Crows are sometimes kept as pets are are considered to be one of the most intelligent bird species in the world.

Hooded Crow

The grey coloration makes them easy to distinguish from Jackdaws and Rooks.



Miles Hearn





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