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Male \ Female not-alikes: Part 4

In many bird species, males and females look alike. In Antarctica, I once heard a tourist ask one of our naturalists how to differentiate male penguins from females. His response: If you see it lay an egg, it is a female. In other words, they all look alike.

In this the fouth of 6 posts, I will show various bird species, all of which have been spotted on my Toronto area nature walks over the years, in which the female and the male do NOT look alike.

Common Goldeneye (female)

Common goldeneye (male)

In Red-bellied Woodpecker, the crown is gray in the female.

Red-bellied Woodpecker (female) photo: wikimedia

Red-bellied woodpecker (male)

House finch (female) photo: wikimedia

House Finch (male) photo: wikimedia

Common merganser (female)

Common Merganser (male)

Indigo Bunting (female) photo: flickr

Indigo Bunting (male) photo: wikimedia

Miles Hearn


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